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¡LO ÚLTIMO! Estados Unidos sanciona a magistrados chavistas del TSJ (+Lista oficial+Adiós Visa)

El gobierno del presidente Donald Trump impuso sanciones a jueces del Tribunal Supremo de Justicia como castigo por asumir a inicios de este año poderes de la Asamblea Nacional, dijeron fuentes de la administración estadounidense.

Composición Maduradas

Entre los incluidos en el paquete de sanciones está el presidente del Tribunal, Maikel Moreno, y la expresidenta del organismo Gladys Gutiérrez, precisaron las fuentes a Reuters.

Esta es la lista completa de los sancionados:

DAMIANI BUSTILLOS, Luis Fernando, Caracas, Capital District, Venezuela; DOB 27 Apr 1946; POB Caracas, Capital District, Venezuela; citizen Venezuela; Gender Male; Cedula No. 2940803 (Venezuela); Passport 103679620 (Venezuela); Magistrate of the Constitutional Chamber of Venezuela’s Supreme Court of Justice (individual) [VENEZUELA].

DELGADO ROSALES, Arcadio de Jesus (Latin: DELGADO ROSALES, Arcadio de Jesús), Caracas, Capital District, Venezuela; DOB 23 Sep 1954; POB Maracaibo, Zulia, Venezuela; citizen Venezuela; Gender Male; Cedula No. 4159158 (Venezuela); Passport 001875223 (Venezuela); Vice President of the Constitutional Chamber of Venezuela’s Supreme Court of Justice (individual) [VENEZUELA].

GUTIERREZ ALVARADO, Gladys Maria (Latin: GUTIÉRREZ ALVARADO, Gladys María), Caracas, Capital District, Venezuela; DOB 16 Apr 1962; POB Punto Fijo, Falcon, Venezuela; citizen Venezuela; Gender Female; Cedula No. 7525777 (Venezuela); Passport 1122011 (Venezuela); alt. Passport 4532006 (Venezuela); Magistrate of the Constitutional Chamber of Venezuela’s Supreme Court of Justice; Former President of Venezuela’s Supreme Court of Justice (individual) [VENEZUELA].

MENDOZA JOVER, Juan Jose (Latin: MENDOZA JOVER, Juan José), Valera, Trujillo, Venezuela; DOB 11 Mar 1969; POB Trujillo, Venezuela; citizen Venezuela; Gender Male; Cedula No. 9499372 (Venezuela); Second Vice President of Venezuela’s Supreme Court of Justice; President of the Constitutional Chamber of Venezuela’s Supreme Court of Justice (individual) [VENEZUELA].

MORENO PEREZ, Maikel Jose (Latin: MORENO PÉREZ, Maikel José), Caracas, Capital District, Venezuela; DOB 31 Dec 1965; POB Tigre, Anzoategui, Venezuela; citizen Venezuela; Gender Male; Cedula No. 6652632 (Venezuela); Passport 104063109 (Venezuela); alt. Passport 040471125 (Venezuela); President of Venezuela’s Supreme Court of Justice; President of the Criminal Appellate Chamber of Venezuela’s Supreme Court of Justice (individual) [VENEZUELA].

ORTEGA RIOS, Calixto Antonio (Latin: ORTEGA RÍOS, Calixto Antonio), Maracaibo, Zulia, Venezuela; DOB 12 Oct 1950; POB San Rafael del Mojan, Zulia, Venezuela; citizen Venezuela; Gender Male; Cedula No. 3264031 (Venezuela); Magistrate of the Constitutional Chamber of Venezuela’s Supreme Court of Justice (individual) [VENEZUELA].

SUAREZ ANDERSON, Lourdes Benicia (Latin: SUÁREZ ANDERSON, Lourdes Benicia), Caracas, Capital District, Venezuela; DOB 07 Mar 1965; citizen Venezuela; Gender Female; Cedula No. 6726793 (Venezuela); Magistrate of the Constitutional Chamber of Venezuela’s Supreme Court of Justice (individual) [VENEZUELA].

ZULETA DE MERCHAN, Carmen Auxiliadora (Latin: ZULETA DE MERCHÁN, Carmen Auxiliadora), Sucre, Miranda, Venezuela; DOB 13 Dec 1947; POB Zulia, Venezuela; citizen Venezuela; Gender Female; Cedula No. 3507807 (Venezuela); Passport 045729072 (Venezuela); Magistrate of the Constitutional Chamber of Venezuela’s Supreme Court of Justice (individual) [VENEZUELA].

Información de Reuters

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